Technè -
Science in the service of art history and the preservation of cultural heritage

Léonard de Vinci, Sainte Anne
Crédits : Léonard de Vinci, Sainte Anne, la Vierge et l’Enfant jouant avec un agneau (Paris, Louvre, inv. 776) © C2RMF / Jean-Louis Bellec.
About us

Technè, scientific journal published with the support of the Ministry of Culture

Launched in 1994 by the National Centre for Research and Restoration of French Museums (C2RMF, Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France), Technè follows the Bulletin (later the Annales) of the Research Laboratory of the Museums of France (Bulletin /Annales) du Laboratoire de recherche des musées de France) (published between 1952 and 1982).

Published semestrially, it disseminates studies of research and preservation pertaining to cultural heritage materials (with the exception of architecture), with an interdisciplinary approach. Its themes deal with diverse subjects, for example polychromy in antique and medieval sculpture, textile arts, human remains belonging to cultural heritage, furniture by Boulle, the obsolescence of contemporary works of art, dating, etc. Coordinated by two to three directors at its helm with complementary expertise, these themed volumes offer a synthesis of original research, often conducted across decades, or articles bearing on issues of the immediate present by researchers in human sciences and/or in scientific research conducted in the museum laboratories of France and abroad.

In an effort to attain a real international readership, for years the journal has welcomed foreign authors whose work has been published in different languages (English, Italian, German and Spanish). Each article is accompanied by an abstract in both French and English. The articles are double-blind peer reviewed by experts in the different domains in question..

In the care with which the journal is published in both form and content, in particular the quality of its illustrations, Technè is a beautiful tool for dissemination, visually worthy of the beauty of the works studied and the required scientific precision. The journal’s goal is to clearly demonstrate its research through a close juxtaposition of text and image.

The journal’s editorial committee meets twice a year, in order to approve the upcoming themes. In the near future this committee will be supported by a scientific board.

Discover the last issue

Revue Technè n°57, 2024-1
Edited by :
- Etienne Anheim
- Catherine Rideau-Kikuchi
- Lise Saussus

Find the issues of Technè available in open access on Openedition Journals, and the summaries of all the issues on the site C2RMF.

Revue Technè n°57, 2024-1
Credits : © Chantilly, Bibliothèque et Archives du château

Themes covered in Technè journal

Technè covers all domains in heritage dealing with the collections of museums of art and archaeology, ethnography, and natural history. The chronological and geographical field is vast, going from prehistory to contemporary art, from ancient civilizations to modern worlds of Europe and beyond.

Technè is for a varied and open public composed of specialists as well as educated amateurs: students and professionals of restoration-preservation in museums, students and researchers in archeometry, in archaeology and the history of art and techniques, researchers in the sciences of materials.

Each issue includes some fifteen articles regrouped under one theme (each article about 25 000 characters) selected from a call for contributions, and a “Varia” section (three to five articles per issue) made up of spontaneous contributions.


Creation of works

Research on materials, techniques and contexts of creation, provenance, dating, and authentication.

Mechanisms of alterations

Research on the forms and mechanisms of alterations

Metamorphoses of works through the ages

Research on the history of restoration, the history of sciences and techniques, the evolution of documentation.

Preservation of works

Principles, modalities and issues in their conservation (preservation, restoration, preventive preservation): reflections on deontology, innovative treatments, critical synthesis of interventions.
Editorial Committee


The editorial team


Jean-Michel Loyer-Hascoët
Director of C2RMF

Editor in chief

Anne Bouquillon
Research engineer at C2RMF

Deputy Editor

Marie Lionnet de Loitière
Project manager at C2RMF
  • Sylvain Amic
  • Brigitte Bourgeois
  • Marie Courselaud
  • Didier Gourier
  • Anne Lehoërff
  • Roland May
  • Bruno Mottin
  • Josefina Pérez Arantegui
  • Nicolas Surlapierre
  • William Whitney
  • Étienne Anheim
  • Marco Ciatti
  • Stéphanie Deschamps-Tan
  • Violaine Jeammet
  • Valérie Matoïan
  • Michel Menu
  • Isabelle Pallot-Frossard
  • Stéphanie Rossano
  • Robert Van Langh